Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bo is a Pollywog

It is official....Bo is a Pollywog. Bo started in the Pollywog (crawler) room today at school. Since he is crawling and pulling up (on everything) he had to go to the next level at school. He has been going over there periodically for the last week so he could get used to it. It was bitter sweet to take him to a new place this morning. I had the same feelings as when we dropped him off the first day ever. I have to say I shed a tear or two when I got to the car. For Bo it was no big deal, he as been reunited with some of his former buddies and a few new ones. He has lot of new, cool toys to play with over there too! I know that this is harder on me than him just like everything else has been the past ten months.

I don't want to discuss the night time sleeping habits. But just know that things are getting better and I don't want to jinx it. If we ever get back on a constant I will be sure to let you all know.

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