We made it back from our first road trip with Bo. We headed out Thursday afternoon and returned late this afternoon.We were nervous about how he would do traveling that far so soon but things went great. He seems to enjoy riding in the car so we will remember that for emergency situations. We had a wonderful time visiting all our wonderful family and friends the last several days. I think everytime Bo opened his eyes someone new was holding him. He loved getting to spend the night with all his grandparents and so did we! Buddy and I were able to get some much needed rest and sometime to ourselves. He is a very lucky young man to have granparents, great-grand parents and a great-great grandmother. Thanks to everyone who came by to visit us while we were home. It was very tough to leave today to come back but it is nice to be back home and getting back to the normal routine. Congratulations to my cousin Bentley and his new wife Jennifer on their new marriage. Seems we got back just in time for a blizzard that is going to hit us sometime after midnight tonight. So please be thinking about us and keep your fingers crossed that things don't get to bad. Here are a few pictures from our time with everyone.

Brooke and Mary Ashtyn
Aunt Jamie and Bo
Hootie and Bo
Jerri and Jimmy
Bo and Dub (no more Mr. Tough Guy)
Mallori and Bo
Granny and Bo
Nana and Bo
I sure did miss Bo this morning. I miss seeing those bright eyes looking around at everything that's new to him and listening to those cute little noises he makes after he has had a good nights rest and has eaten first thing in the morning. Love you Bo - see you soon. Nana